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[ChatGPT][SFML][커스텀 2D 게임 엔진 개발] SFML기반 커스텀 2D 게임 엔진용 engine.hpp 파일의 예제 샘플

by byungwoo733 2023. 1. 14.

SFML기반 커스텀 2D 게임 엔진용 engine.hpp 파일의 예제 샘플

// Here is an example of an engine.hpp file for an SFML game engine
#ifndef ENGINE_HPP
#define ENGINE_HPP

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>

class Engine {
    // Initialize the engine
    static bool init();

    // Update the engine
    static void update();

    // Render the engine
    static void render();

    // Clean up the engine
    static void cleanup();

    // Get the main window
    static sf::RenderWindow& getWindow();

    // The main window
    static sf::RenderWindow m_window;


This header file declares a class Engine that contains static member functions for initializing, updating, rendering, and cleaning up the game engine, as well as a static member function that returns a reference to the main window. Keep in mind that, 

These examples are just a simple example and there are many ways to organize and optimize a game engine depending on the needs of the specific game.